Sunday, April 27, 2008

Are you kidding 3rd floor elevator rider?

Instead of doing my dry cleaning on a perpetual basis I let it pile up behind my bedroom door and take it to be cleaned about every month or two. The whole process is fine except when I have to take the clean clothes back up to my apartment. I usually have to carry the entire load at once, and the metal hangers dig into my hand. But if I'm lucky, I find an empty elevator and the ride goes straight to the 13th floor. This past week I was embarking on the journey back up to my apartment and the door was almost shutting on an empty elevator until you got in. You apologized when you saw me, so I didn't really mind. Until you hit the 3 button. Are you kidding 3rd floor elevator rider? What's wrong with you? You obviously aren't crippled because you walked your dumb ass from the front door into the elevator. And I'm guessing you could use the exercise. I could understand if you were carrying something heavy or had just gone to the grocery store, but all you had with you was that stupid grin across your face. How lazy are you? Even small dogs take the stairs when they can't get into a bed. And the worst part about it is you know what you're doing. You know you live on the third floor. You know you should take the stairs. And yet here you are standing in the elevator. Don't you feel any guilt? You do the same thing every time you walk into the building, and every time you get in that elevator and press that button every other person in there is swearing at you in their head, hoping that you get a glance of the pissed off look they are giving to the back of your head. (By the way the 4th floor is the cut off for people to take the elevator.) Maybe you should switch it up a bit. I know it's a difficult thing to do. But take a look at Doug Funny. At the beginning of every episode he did the exact same thing for four seasons. But eventually he switched up his opening credit routine and now he's a better person because of it. (Sure he switched it when ABC bought the show to put it on One Saturday Morning but that's besides the point.) Be like Doug 3rd floor elevator rider. Take the stairs.


amyzain said...

Hey! I live on the 3rd floor, and it is a pain to walk up and down everyday, especially if there is another very easy option

Anonymous said...

I agree with Amy, I work on the second floor (it's only a three story building) but I take the elevator mostly because the stairs are out of the way, but partly because I'm a typical lazy American, and proud of it.