Thursday, September 4, 2008

Are you kidding political facebooker?

It's called That's face and book combined to make one word. It's not called It's not called And it's sure as hell not called So what gives you the right to bombard my news feed with political slogans and news stories? Are you kidding political facebooker? Guess what? I don't give a rat's ass who you're voting for. And I'll let you in on a little secret...neither does anyone else. Are you really under the illusion that posting or commenting on a story from Fox News is going to sway a person's opinion one way or the other? Let me tell you something. You're not Stephen Colbert; You're not John Stewart; and you are NOT John Stamos. Now I know Mr. Stamos doesn't have his own political commentary show on Comedy Central, but are you really going to disagree with Uncle Jesse? Didn't think so. Let's try to get back to normalcy, before the election. A more peaceful time, where instead of finding out whether you bleed blue or red, I could spend my time finding embarrassing pictures that you untagged of yourself, hoping noone would see. But in all honesty November is 2 months away. That's almost 60 days, and chances are I'll be on facebook 58 of them. So instead of posting that political Youtube video that you think is so funny that all of your friends need to see it too, take a page from David Duchovny's book and use the internet for what it was intended: Porn.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahahahahaha..I totally agree! If someone wants to express their point of view on something via facebook they shouldn't post links to it in their news feeds............unless it's a link to their personal blog...