Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Are you kidding elephant protesters?

Yes I've seen Dumbo. Yes I was happy at the end when he learned how to fly and the racially depicted crows sang him off as the screen went dark. But that was when I was 5, and I was on my way to nap time, not lunch. So I sort of understand where you are coming from elephant protesters, as you stand in a large herd taking up most of the sidewalk on 7th Ave standing in my way as I walk to grab a sandwich. I understand that you are upset that two baby elephants died while in the care of the circus and you want the public to know about it. But if you are being completely objective, and as you carry the signs picturing the dead baby elephants I'll assume you are, why aren't you protesting Animal Planet, Discovery, or better yet, lions? Don't you have cable elephant protesters? There has been a countless number of times that I've turned on the television to see a lion attacking and eating a baby elephant alive. I find it hard to believe that after a hard day's work in the tiny car, the clowns gather around and dig into a fresh slice of live baby elephant. And although the lion diet comes in other varieties besides infant elephant de jour, I find it hard to believe that the entire lion population was sustained on 2 baby elephants or less. So before you go and fight to bring down the circus industry elephant protesters, I think you need to take a good look at who the real enemy is.

1 comment:

Stud said...

Haha hilarious man. Isn't that the truth. I love having arguments with vegans and vegetarians because I am a STRONG supporter of the circle of life. I love to eat any kind of animal I can get my hands on...